AxelBloodyAxel Interview

Eric Young
7 min readJan 11, 2023


AxelBloodyAxel is an artist from Mid City Los Angeles. Member of Deathproof Inc. Storming the underground with songs like “ SNAKES&LADDERS”, “ RETURN OF THA DEMON”, and “ stR8muDD “. I got some great info from Axel and excited to learn and hear more from him in the near future. Let’s get to know him a little more below!

When did you start making music?

I started making music when I was 12 just turning 13 in 2013. I didn’t have any friends back then and one day I got home from school and made a beat on Garage Band and started doing that shit every day. It was one of the only things that made/makes me feel like I was worth anything.

Growing up what are some things you did for fun?

Mostly just made music with like two homies one of them skated a bit too so we both just started skating and making music all the time. I used to go to these punk shows at the smell when the garden Slow Hollows was coming up and a band called No Parents which I don’t think makes music anymore.

Who are some artists you grew up listening to?

When I was younger my parents used to listen to Black Sabbath, and Led Zeppelin. Black Sabbath was/is one of my favorites that I grew up listening to as a kid. When I was a kid my parents wouldn’t let me listen to explicit music and some of the only music I was able to listen to was CDs my sister used to make for me with explicit music they had some OutKast, Tenacious D, and some other stuff I can’t remember exactly. When I was 12 the father of one of the children in my class found out I was starting to make beats and he gave me a USB that had Madlib, Quasi, MF Doom, and the bus driver and I started listening to that shit all the time. I first started finding my music on my own I got hella into Odd Future, Pro Era, Flatbush Zombies, and Chief Keef. In high school, one of my homies put me on to a chopped not slopped project pat song called Out There I used to bump that shit all the time when I first started smoking weed and it’s funny years later I had no idea how much that sound would influence my style one of the first songs I ever remixed was that project pat song and the song I just dropped a video too STR8MUDD uses the beat from that song. And one of my two friends at the time who made music his name is Nyku put me on to Roc Marciano, Knxwledge, Ohbliv, Westside Gun, Conway, Mach Hommy, Nickelus F, and tha god fahim. At the same time during 2015/16, I started fucking with that whole SoundCloud father, Thouxanbanfauni, UnoTheActivist, Carti era but after a bit it all started to sound the same to me so I got hella bored with it and started only listening to 90s rap a lot of Three 6 Mafia and Memphis shit, screw, Max B and older Cash Money shit. I hated new music and didn’t delve back into the new music scene till one of my homies put me on to Detroit shit he used to play it all the time in 2017 and I remember the first one that stuck out to me was a song called Detroit to Inglewood.

What is Deathproof / who are the current artists?

Deathproof is a collective of artists. We all make different ass music and when I first started coming around because I knew oddly for like 7 years because I was homeless staying in East LA with some rappers that used to work with him. Me and Oddly before Deathproof used to be in our own group called Murda clique when we were both homeless living at my bro Willi’s crib and 8 years into making music I got bummed out by it because I started getting consumed by the fact that no one was really listening to my shit the plays, recognition and no monetary gain from it. So I just started skating all the time because music was making me sad, but when I came back into it for the love of it and realized why I was doing this shit in the first place. Then I joined Deathproof cause when I started coming back around Oddly they saw how good I was and Miyagi added me in because he believed in my vision and music. And when I started working with everyone it was so sick to see a group of other people who I felt were just like me and self-sufficient and it was just inspiring to be around. So basically we are just all a group of fucked up disturbed real artists with our own sounds who come together and push and inspire each other. Our current musicians in the group are Miyagi, Oddly Shrugs, Dirty Butt, Nascar Aloe, Mazerot, Blu x Shakur, GR!M, OG Abi, Summer alone, Walt!, and Zy the prophet.

What has been your favorite performance or tour so far?

So when I was 15 my friend Nyku’s mom manages Earl Sweatshirt and I used to DJ for him and we did a slight tour opening up for him we went to SXSW 2015. And opened for his shows during that festival and that’s how I got tapped in with some of those homies like Nak n shit. But I would say that’s some of my favorite memories of performances I’ve done and the biggest. And it was so sick being around them since I was such a big fan when I was younger. And watching them create music changed my whole perspective on how I look at creating music. My favorite tour for my own personal music was the last one we did for American wasteland shouts out Colby. My favorite shows from that tour were Denver, New York, and Washington DC even though I split my fucking head open getting dropped back on the stage after crowd surfing XD. As far as I can remember every show was lit but I was hella drugged up so I don’t remember a lot there couldve been more shows that got buk as fuck too.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an up-and-coming artist?

Do this shit for the right reasons. Don’t do it for the clout/fame, because you think it’s cool, or for the money. Music is supposed to be fun it’s supposed to be self-expression so just have fun with it because turning this shit into a business even tho it was my only choice because I’m shit at everything else I do and I’d rather die than not make music for the rest of my life that shit ruins it and makes you depressed. Use it as an outlet.

What is the purpose driving you to make music?

It’s all I got and it is my only outlet to get out all the rage and hatred I have for myself/my life and the world. And it’s one of the only things that still makes me feel happy. Think about it in physics you are not supposed to be able to turn negative into positive but through art, you can. I used to be really suicidal and have tried many times but whenever I feel that way now I just sit down and create. I write about what I’m feeling and the chaos in my mind goes away after I make a hard-ass evil banger. That shit is so satisfying

What can fans expect from your live show?

Expect to see pure rage and chaos

Do you have any pre-show rituals?

No, I get some anxiety at first but then I just get up there and let all my emotions out and tear shit up but after I always like to destroy shit because I’m so angry after I perform idk why lmao expect to see me outside yelling and breaking shit.

How would you describe your style of music?

I just make evil shit

Tell us about any new songs or projects you have coming out.

I got an album I’m basically done with called 3VXL. I got Majin Blxxdy, luci4, Jasiah, Dirty Butt, bruhmanegod, shyneboikash, nascar aloe, blvc svnd, GR!M, suavi gualla, Tripp jones on it with Loko Los, Bloodline Genesis, og abi, Fony Wallace, hxllowz and axxturel production on it. SHIT HARD ASF YALL NOT READY FOR THIS SHIT AT ALL THIS GONE BE AN UNDERGROUND CLASSIC

Anything else you want the audience to know about you?

I’m insane I’m fucked up and been through so much fucked up bullshit diseases n shit. I might come off as scary or rude but come at me on some genuine shit and ima always show love. I appreciate everyone who bumps my shit and believe in me so much I love y’all and I hope I can inspire people to make new sounds and change how they view music and what’s possible. THE FLAMES CONSUME MY SOUL AND COVER MY BODY THAT SHYT BURNZ!



Eric Young
Eric Young

Written by Eric Young

A HBCU Student who writes stories

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